Monthly Meeting Location
Meetings have returned to the Sutton Fire House @ 7PM on the 2nd Thursday of each month!
Contributions needed for Trail Improvement
One-time Trail Improvement Contributions are needed, any amount would be beneficial! 2 hours of machine time is $150. Send to PO Box...
New Trails Committee
A Trails Committee is being organized for this year to make a more significant impact on improving existing trails and creating new ones....
Ridgerunners receive award from NHSA
The Sutton Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club was recognized with a plaque from the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association for being the only...
Ridgerunner Donation to Easter Seals 2nd largest in NH!
The Sutton Ridgerunners turned in donations to Easter Seals/Camp Sno-Mo from the club and others totaling $10,125.00, the 2nd highest...
Trail 390 has been reopened!!!
Trail 390 at the I-89 R.O.W. has been reopened! Thanks to all those that supported our club and signed our petition!
The Bob Harrington Bridge
A new bridge was completed in time for the 2016-2017 winter. The 40' bridge is on Primary Trail 390 near Newbury Road, South Sutton and...
NH Snowmobile primary trail 390 has had a blockage since 2014 when a new landowner near Rt. 114 in Sutton denied the club permission to...
A Future Ridge Runner
While the trails remain closed in Sutton this year due to lack of snow, this hasn't stopped our future Ridge Runners from playing on...
Ice Harvest Ride In Cancelled
The 2016 Ice Harvest Ride In has been cancelled for this year due to warm temperatures resulting in lack of Ice at Keysar Lake.